Let’s Create

Do we know how to?

I believe artists who lead co-creative practice are rarely valued, resourced or supported in a way that reflects the complexity of their work.

I wanted to shine a light on the deep and nuanced craft that artists who lead co-creative practice embody.

So I decided to research the leadership qualities artists embody, skills they utilise and responsibilities they hold in this work.

This research was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council as part of my Clore Fellowship.

Thanks to funding from Arts Council England I have made the research more accessible through these illustrations by artist Sandra Staufer. I have also made a podcast series, all freely available on this website.

I hope you find it useful. Please get in touch if you would like to talk to me about this work.

These are the main qualities that artists involved in the research identified.

We define qualities as ways of being that an artist embodies whilst leading.

These are the main skills that artists involved in the research identified.

We define skills as being ways of doing things that an artist can acquire or learn to practice whilst leading.

These are the main responsibilities that artists involved in the research identified.

We define responsibilities as things an artist holds ethically, contractually, or artistically.